Navigating Construction Phase Risks for Architects & Engineers


Thursday, June 13th & 20th

10:00 - 11:30 AM (PST)


20% off if you register by May 27th!


4.9/5 (from 100+ Design Professionals)

Our workshops have helped hundreds of Architects & Engineers avoid claims during the construction phase


Jean Sovinski

Managing Partner | Studio 343

I learned the value of mitigating risk and I gained a better understanding of the definition of risk management vs. insurance. I also learned the importance of how we document what we see in the field, and to view what we see through a more critical lens so that we better document conditions and contractual events.


Jefferson Schierbeek

Partner | Addison Schierbeek Architects

Zach is personable, clear and very helpful (with a dash of humor) in the daunting challenge of explaining risk as it applies to the architectural profession. He gives concrete and useful methodologies and tactics to mitigate and protect our practices from the ever increasing complexities of the legal world in which we live.


Binita Vora

Founder | Parshva Associates

This helped me answer a lot of questions and concerns as a startup small business firm. Zach helped me understand the key requirements and pitfalls to be aware of while drafting a contract along with the pros and cons of certain language or words used in contracts and how these can benefit or harm an architect. 

Review and Negotiate Your Contracts like a Pro 

We know you didn't go to law school, and we know you don't get near enough (if any) training on contracts.

But the reality is, signing bad contracts sets you up for disputes, insurance claims, or even lawsuits that could put you out of business.

The good news is we have solutions. There are simple systems we can teach you that will make all the difference in your risk strategy.

What you'll discover...

Strategies to navigate construction changes, including scope of services

Leading effective pre-construction meetings with your stakeholders
Proper protocol on site visits to maintain a safe environment for your team and the public
Communicate techniques to use throughout construction to minimize disputes
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